You should sing, The song you did with your voice in it was really well done. Although it does need to be softer, you could make some proper wicked pieces! I say go for it!
you've been fixed
Age 32, Male
eargasm bringer
is an annoyance
between here and there
Joined on 10/6/06
You should sing, The song you did with your voice in it was really well done. Although it does need to be softer, you could make some proper wicked pieces! I say go for it!
am i supposed to believe that your 14??? so you have been taking these music lessons since you were 4?? uh huh, i smell bullshit
oh shit miss type i meant to type 7
and btw 14 -8 is 6
not 4
Your voice is good but for a song like that it needs to be softer.